除了小野丽莎,你还可以听听她:巴西之光Ana Caram三重奏
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1962年,里约沙滩上的一位17岁少女吸引了年轻的巴西音乐教父Antonio Carlos Jobim的眼球。半个世纪以来,她为原型的一首“The Girl From Ipanema”传遍世界,成为人人会哼唱的小调,也促成其所承载的巴西音乐风格——Bossa Nova,进入西方世界主流音乐圈,成为全球范围内的流行曲风。
Jobim与“The Girl From Ipanema”原型Helô Pinheiro
Antonio Carlos Jobim 是巴西献给世界乐坛的一份礼物,在他长达五十年的音乐生涯中,影响了无数个年轻音乐人。 其中就包括年轻的Ana Caram。
从圣保罗大学获得作曲和指挥学位后,Ana Caram对音乐的激情和执着将她带到了Antonio Carlos Jobim身边。“安娜来里约热内卢看望我,” Jobim说道,“她在我面前边弹吉他边唱歌。我一眼就看出她是个很有才华的女孩。”在Jobim的鼓励下,Ana开始往国外发展开拓视野。
年轻的Antonio Carlos Jobim
在纽约,海洋爵士音乐节(the Sea Jazz Festival)的一次演出,让帕基多·里维拉(Paquito D'Rivera)注意到了她。随后,他邀请安娜和他的乐队一起在卡内基音乐厅的JVC爵士音乐节上演唱。
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=w0168d00di6在她这张轰动一时的处女作之后,Chesky发行了《亚马逊河与若宾的另一面》向她的音乐偶像、密友Antonio Carlos Jobim致敬的专辑,Ana 别出心裁的挑选了十分精彩但鲜为人知的经典曲目,堪称一绝。
而1993年的以巴西最大的足球场为名的《Maracana (JD104)》<正好也是她的名字的倒写>,显现她向世人昭告她的音乐决心,音乐更跳脱了Bossa Nova的旧藩篱,加入了更多和谐地如同唱诗班的大提琴长笛小喇叭等器乐。
2001年发行的《Blue Bossa》,安娜以巴西流行乐融合了美国酷派爵士的风格,精彩重现60年代爵士俱乐部的BossaNova风光,再次拥抱她的乐迷。不管是贺宾或是鲍威尔的作品,她优美且广受大家推崇的歌声加上她令人神魂颠倒的独特诠释手法,让我们再次感动不已。
6月中旬,她将来到JZ Club,与Moreno Donadel、纪鹏一起上演一场Ana Caram三重奏。
about Ana Caram
Brazil. Home of an infectious rhythm, the Samba; an enchanted city, Rio; and a remarkable musician you won't soon forget, ANA CARAM.
But our story begins down in Sao Paulo, roughly a hundred and fifty miles from Rio. October 1st, 1958 to be exact. Ana is born into a very musical family. A sensitive child whose natural affinity for all forms of musical expression, hard work and dedication transforms her into an accomplished flutist, guitarist and vocalist, with a degree in composition and conducting from Sao Paulo University. Next stop, Rio.
Pursuing her career with the same passion and energy as her music, she meets with the Godfather of Brazilian sounds, Antônio Carlos Jobim. Internationally hailed for his haunting melodies, he has been a Brazilian musical hero for over thirty years. "Ana came to see me in Rio," Jobim reports. "She played the guitar and sang for me. I could at once see she was a very talented girl."
And so, Ana began to build a considerable following in Brazil, touring the country and recording. But it was a trip to Finland that eventually led her to New York. While performing at the Sea Jazz Festival, she met Paquito D'Rivera. He then honored Ana with an invitation to sing with his band as part of the JVC Jazz Festival at Carnegie Hall.
That night, a Chesky Records representative was present and mesmerized by her talent and consequently she was hired to record her first album, RIO AFTER DARK, which elicited wonderful reviews from such sources as Stereophile and The New York Times.
Following her smash debut, Chesky released Amazonia and The Other Side of Jobim, a tribute to her musical idol and close friend Antonio Carlos Jobim; Bossa Nova, Maracana and Postcards from Rio, a collection hilighting her most beloved performances.
On most recent release with Chesky Recods, BLUE BOSSA, Ana Caram celebrates the brilliant marriage between Brazilian song and America's "Cool Jazz", resulting in a very cool glimpse into the Bossa Nova scene of a 1960's Jazz club. Blue Bossa features Ana interpreting classic, unforgettable songs from Antonio Carlos Jobim, Ivan Lins, Baden Powell and many others in her inimitable style.
Ana Caram Trio
日期/DATE:2019.6.20 THU
入场时间/DOOR TIME:8:30PM
演出时间/SHOW TIME:9:15PM
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Vocal& Guitar :Ana Caram
Piano:Moreno Donadel
Bass:Ji Peng
Moreno Donadel
莫瑞诺·多纳德(Moreno Donadel) 来自意大利的古典、爵士钢琴演奏家、作曲家、编曲人、演员、模特、武术家、教育家
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